Marietta, GA 30066




Meet Our Intern

Susan Lawson is a graduate of Georgia State University, where she earned her undergraduate degrees in Exercise Science.  She is currently in the application process for the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program at GSU, and is fulfilling a portion of her required clinical education hours with Remobility. 

At the age of twelve, Susan decided to become a physical therapist while shadowing the therapist working with her two-year-old cousin, who was injured in an automobile accident.  Her cousin recoved from the traumatic experience in good health, and as a result, Susan gained a love for pediatric rehab.  Susan plans to specialize in pediatric physical therapy and hopes to eventually work for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

The staff of Remobility welcomes Susan in our office for her 6-week internship and wishes her the best of luck in her future physical therapy career!