Marietta, GA 30066




Internship at Remobility

Hello, my name is Neilay Patel and I am a student intern from Wheeler high School. I am interning here as part of Wheeler Magnet Program’s “Senior Experience” where I get to intern for someone in a profession that interests me.

Physical therapy was a field that I was interested in, so I was very happy to learn that I would be able to intern for Roel Fung-A-Wing at Remobility Physical Therapy and Wellness Services. I have only been here for a few days, but I have already learned so much about physical therapy and what therapists must do. I have had a great time interning here so far because Roel has been a great teacher who understands this field and lives life with integrity.

Every day I have read something new about physical therapy and I am gaining more interest in the field. Every time I have a question, I can approach Roel and he will always have a great answer that will help me understand more about physical therapy and how to live an honest life. I will be adding updates throughout the next few weeks as I learn more about physical therapy.
