Marietta, GA 30066




Community Seminar on Fall Prevention



As a way of thanking our clients and local residents for their continued support, Remobilty provides free informational seminars to the community. On Friday, October 28, we covered the topic of “Improving Balance and Preventing Falls.”

Most people age 50 and over will experience some type of falling incident, which may consequently result in severe injury or death. This is a serious issue, especially for seniors, so we spent an hour with our guests discussing risk factors and ways to prevent falls. Two of our presenters were highly ranked black belt instructors in the ancient art of Tai Chi, and they provided a brief demonstration of basic movements and skills. This provided a visual guide for our guests to see how the body fluidly moves from one point to another.

Tai Chi is one type of activity which can increase strength and improve balance, two factors which are vital to avoiding injuries due to falls. If you would like to learn more about Tai Chi or other ways to decrease your risk of falls, please give us a call.


It was a wonderful experience to discuss this important topic during our community seminar, and just as we state in our motto: Prevention is the key!

Enjoy the Fall season.
