Marietta, GA 30066




May is Stroke Awareness Month

Of the many health observances during the month of May, we wanted to focus on Stroke Awareness because our staff is specialized in treatment of stroke patients.

We have published information about strokes on this website before, but it’s our opinion to keep educating and reminding our visitors and clients of the importance of preventing stroke or, in case it already occurred, how to deal with this disease.


When blood flow to the brain is interrupted or when blood vessels in the brain rupture, it causes an unexpected loss of brain function because the brain cells in the affected area die, which can lead to long-term damage.


Know and manage the risk factors for stroke, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, history of stroke, and diabetes. Find out if you are at risk and read more about the heart disease risk factors for women, which also may also apply to men.

stroke Four major signs of stroke are:

  1. Weakness or numbness in the face, arm or leg
  2. Speech or comprehension trouble, vision problems
  3. Headache
  4. Dizziness


Knowing how to recognize the symptoms, can help save a life. But how do you know if someone is suffering a stroke? Here are some helpful guidelines:

  • F- Face. Ask the person to smile and notice if one side has ‘fallen’
  • A- Arms. Can he or she lift and hold up their arms? Weakness in one arm may be a sign.
  • S- Speech. Does the person slur when trying to repeat a sentence?
  • T- Time. There is a 3-hour window to have medication ministered which may slow or stop the effects of stroke. Call 911, to get help quickly.

Stroke recovery

Important for stroke recovery:

  • Balance to avoid falls
  • Improve range of motion and strength
  • Safety at home
  • How to cope with different problems after stroke
  • Advice to family members how to assist.


Do you want more information of have any questions? Come to the East Cobb Senior Center in Marietta and learn more about Stroke Prevention and Recovery. See details under Upcoming Events, the right of your screen. You may also contact us by email or telephone (770-578-4343). We will gladly answer your questions.